I provide services to help you get you out of pain and restore a sense of ease and flow to your body by working with the fascia system. Tight restricted fascia shows up in the body as chronic pain, stiffness, and a sense of feeling old. I will teach you how to maintain a healthy fascia system which I believe is the missing link to our health and vitality.
I am a Registered Nurse, a certified Block therapy instructor and Block therapist, a certified Rossiter stretching coach and a certified MSTR scar tissue release practitioner. Schedule a consultation or an appointment with me and let me show you how to find freedom in your body again.
"I’ve come to believe that most of the muscle and joint restrictions we associate with aging are nothing more than dense fascia."
- Christiane Northrup, M.D.
Block Therapy
Would you like to try block therapy before you buy a block? Schedule a session with me to experience it for yourself. There is nothing like block therapy to restore the body to pain free living again, but sometimes you have to see it to believe it. Contact me to discuss or book a session.
Visit my Block Therapy page for more information.
Also check out Block Therapy Community on Facebook to see what others are saying about this practice.
45 Minutes - $50
75 Minutes - $100
Scar Tissue Release - MSTR
Scars can wreck havoc on the body causing unexplained pain, reduction of sensation and movement, problems with digestion and elimination. Scars can even hold an emotional component to them. Releasing a scar can restore function and reduce pain and other unexplained issues. The sooner the scar is released the less long term effects can occur, but no matter the age of the scar this work will bring significant improvement to your body.
Initial treatment - $100
Additional treatments - $75
3 treatment package - $200
Do you have a health, pain, or aesthetic issue you would like to address? Work with me for 8 weeks to bring about the changes you want to see/feel in your body.
This is a great way to help you on your block therapy journey for a lifestyle of health and healing that with Block Therapy.
Visit my Block Therapy page for more info about how fascia is the missing link to our health.
Time commitment: a personal daily practice of block therapy, 3 sets of photos, and weekly calls to guide you on your journey. Contact for more details
Valerie’s passion for healing the body shows in her continuous study of its mechanics. The attentiveness and care she gives to her clients is genuine and will surely put even the most reserved at ease.
Emily Darr, RN
I was two days away from a consult with a spinal surgeon that would have, almost certainly, led to me having vertebrae surgically fused. Which would have eventually created hypermobility of vertebrae above the "repair" eventually requiring further surgery.
Block Therapy saved me from a lifetime of back repair surgeries that would have progressively degraded my quality of life but, due to its holistic approach to connective tissues and its effect on the skeleton, I can look forward to healing and healthiness with continued use.
Gregory P Curline
Full disclosure- Valerie is my beloved sister-in-law and she has been a healing presence in our family for many decades. However, now that she has introduced Block Therapy to us, that healing has exponentially improved our quality of life!
My 70yr old husband has now taken up the Blocks too after seeing how Valerie guided me out of an incapacitating torn/frozen shoulder to full mobility and vitality. Her wealth of knowledge, gentle hands, and compassionate voice are the perfect introduction to this revolutionary method which brings immediate and lasting changes.